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Arte Matriz - La Ruta del Trompe

Es cámara viajera hiperactiva que intenta mostrar los lados "b" de diferentes locaciones del mundo mediante intereses artísticos. El principal desafío del programa es poder comprimir toda la información que una persona pueda absorber durante los 5 minutos que dura cada capitulo.

Sebastian Loyasa - Pallet Project

Mottainai is a Japanese term meaning "a sense of regret concerning waste when the intrinsic value of an object or resource is not properly utilized".

Resilients - Pallet Project @ Local Project

Mottainai is a Japanese term meaning "a sense of regret concerning waste when the intrinsic value of an object or resource is not properly utilized".

Nadine - Being on the Fold

Leaving from Brussels early in the morning. In Schiphol we change to Berlin, a very cosy train where we'll spend 6 hours in the restaurant wagon. Theun get's in at Hilversum, and there we are: Brussels and Amsterdam Peregrini on the move!

Performing Pictures - Proyecto Peregrini/Polinators

The Peregrini Cycling Crew are a group of artist-collectors that will travel along a straight line from Koszalin, Poland to Rab, Croatia. The line is a rule, a limitation, it defines the territory the Peregrini can use in their journey, not going from one point of interest to another but exploring and documenting the in between.

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